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Thank you for stopping by to visit Book Ende. There are lots of exciting things to see here, but before you get started exploring, let me tell you a little bit about why Book Ende exists and what kind of information you will find.

Book Ende is intended as a resource for parents on contemporary and classic children's literature. The following will be included for each entry . . .
Thing 1) Summary of the content including plot, setting, and character description
Thing 2) Discussion of themes
Thing 3) Discussion of possible problem points.

While this is by no means an exhaustive resource, I hope that you will find it helpful in evaluating books for your children. Don't be surprised to find the occasional controversial title. I hope to promote well informed discussion between you and your child about these books (and all books!) as you help them foster a discerning Christian heart and mind. My hope is to be able to describe and evaluate these materials in a manner that will aid you in talking with your child about book choices.

 Most of the material you see is chosen based on my personal preference. I do not claim to be an expert. Book Ende is a product of my own love of reading and my desire to develop that same love in children. Thank you so much for visiting. Please feel free to look around and I hope you come again soon.

-Mary Freiberger


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