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Have you ever read The Giver? How about Number the Stars? If you have, you already know how talented Lois Lowry is at handling deeply sorrowful and delicate subject matter in her fiction. But what you don't know is that she can be funny. Not just the kind of funny that elicits a giggle, but charmingly and delightfully witty. The Willoughbys is a refreshing parody of the old-fashioned story. The Willoughby children are like any children in old-fashioned stories and they have "old-fashioned" problems. If they don't have old-fashioned problems (such as being orphans), they create them. When presented with difficulties, such as finding a baby on the front steps, they ask the question, "What would good old-fashioned people do in this situation?"

The Willoughbys is a great summer read. It is cheerful, lighthearted, and brilliantly addicting (I read it in one sitting).  If you are looking for a new bedtime book to read to your kids, this story lends itself well to being read aloud and is able to keep the attention of both children and adults.


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